- over & over
sell templates
- In a day
create sites
- In minutes
build pages
- In seconds
add sections
Over 870 Done-for-you Showit canvas designs with commercial use for endless possibilities to create websites and sell them over and over again.
make passive income
help clients faster
grow your brand
use and reuse to sell
End impostor syndrome by using supportive Showit Canvases that will strengthen your, already gorgeous, design skills so you can spend more time growing the business you love.
your key to...
Get 8 FREE canvases on the house to see how easy it is to style and use with your own designs.
“I absolutely love the site canvas studio collections. They are easy to use and manipulate to any style that you want. No more staring at a blank canvas trying to see what works and doesn’t.
This takes out the guesswork and jump starts the creativity. I am a visual learner and need to see something to transform it. And this is a perfect tool I needed in my design business."
debbie E.
see the canvas previews
Create Showit websites for clients in a day with done-for-you easy design tool to save you time, energy, and money! Because your time is money. With over 870 site canvases, these are all you need to create unique, stunning, and gorgeous websites that will change your design life and business!
Make passive income by creating templates with the Site Canvas Studio. Think of a canvas collection as a wireframe design tool that you can customize with carefully crafted and placed visuals like images, text, call-to-action buttons, headers, footers, icons, and illustrations that you can use to instantly impress buyers and start making more recurring income!
read the reviews
The possibilities are endless you can use the canvases to create your own website or use them to create designs that you can sell.
The Membership
budget friendly option get one collection
get all the collections plus full templates & added updates
The Shop
The Buyout
Get 100's of canvases with no commitment to join
Per Month
One Time Payment
as low as
"I have been using my Site Canvas Studio templates to build templates for clients, for my own websites, and creating new templates for my up-and-coming Website in Weekend retreats, and I love it!. It is an amazing investment and has improved my workload and sanity!"
"After using these Collections I can say that I adore how effortless it is to quickly build a website that has both aesthetic appeal and practicality. It makes my design process so much more efficient!
"I love the canvas ! As a very new designer it helped me design so much quicker, as well as when I build from scratch I will feel more confident in what should be on a template or custom design. They were so easy to use and being a new designer what would have took me possibly weeks took me days!"
My Showit journey started way back in 2016, back when Showit was still flash-based (yep, I've been around that long!). Over the years, I’ve grown with the platform, spending countless hours designing from scratch, whether it’s crafting sites for my own clients or doing white-label work for other designers.
Now, I know there are other commercial-use Showit canvases out there, but what makes Site Canvas Studio truly stand out is that I offer the first-of-its-kind collections. Plus, whether you choose the membership, buyout, or shop option per collection, you’re getting high-quality resources without breaking the bank.
We would be happy to look if you believe there is an issue with a canvas. You can Contact us HERE.
Showit is very active at updating the backend and constantly creating new changes to better advance the platform. As a designer, as you edit the canvases, you will have no issues updating anything as you go. However, because of the way Showit is designed, the only way to update a design is by updating and publishing the site, and due to this, since you will already have the shared key activated in your account, it will not automatically update to the newest.
Do the Canvases come with support or updates?
These canvases will ONLY work with the Showit platform and WordPress (if connected to WordPress through Showit.) These will NOT work with any other platform.
Will these canvases work on Wix or Squarespace or any other platform?
You may not sell these canvases as is or as individual canvases. They must be mixed and edited to create your own work. You also may not sell any of these canvases in part or in whole with resell rights.
What can I NOT do with these canvases?
Nope, not at all. No credit is needed. All designs are designed as tools for you to use to grow your own design business—no need to add anything in any footer crediting us.
Do I have to provide site credit to the Site Canvas Studio?
Yes. And yes!
can use these canvases to build clients sites and templates?
A step by step guide on the best actionable steps you can take to set up a shop and so much more!