ABOUT THE templates

Choose from 8 of these full Showit Templates to use for working with clients and providing them a fast template customization service. Plus use 5 out of the 8 as templates to sell on your website! 

Use these 5 to start your own template shop

Palm Bay
In Vogue Style 
The Lyon

🧡 Tara j.

" I opened up my template shop with just three of the Site Canvas Studio Templates and within the first week I sold two of them!" 

The lyon Template

Mahara Template 

Roxann Template 

Palm Bay Template 

Gorgeous podcast Template 

Soulful Women Template

Paper Jane Template

In Vogue Style Template

The Previews

Beauty Radiance Template

Moonlight Template 

Feminine Designer Template

I adore how effortless it is to quickly build a website that has both aesthetic appeal and practicality. It makes my design process so much more efficient!"
